Our focus is on creating art that brings believability to film and stage productions, a better work environment to your employees, as well as invites customers to come in and do business with you. Art can create a desirable destination in a mundane world. Think back to how great art created favorite places in your past. We strive to create real world art that causes your audiences, employees and customers to want to come back to you for a rewarding experience. We love taking on any and all visual design challenges that our current projects schedule will allow. Or we can put you into our calendar que. In addition to remarkable artistic talent amongst our team members, we can boast a state of the art shop that allows us to produce one of a kind art and signage and stage dressing that is much more affordable than you would imagine. You don't have to be a Rockefeller to commission our work. Take one of our recent projects, at ADP, for example. Employing trompe l'oeil (deceive the eye) techniques, as well as shop fabricated art components we created a common area indoor space that chases away the winter blues. An indoor forest if you will, a relaxing space that allows employees to take a break and get back to work with more energy. Give us your challenge, you won't be disappointed.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

...he went out and began to publish it much...
Click to Enlarge
This is a piece I did this winter and I was pretty pleased with the results.  I've been thinking about the natural reaction some must have had to the savior's miracles.  I think we forget that miracles were as rare then as they are today and especially in the case of the healing of a leper, a man you might have passed many times on the street must have been a disconcerting thing.  Let alone what it must have been for the leper, to be redeemed from a literal death sentence physically and socially.
     As always, I probably bit off more than I can chew and there are a bunch of different reactions and stories in here if you look for them.
I started off with this very simple color sketch I did in the computer, working out the perspective, relationship of the main figure and the savior and other figures in the design, a basic color pallet.  yeah, those are photos of me on the left and my friend Dean Kleven on the right.  I don't develop things very far before I've made up my mind and just get started.
Then I photograph each of my models individually and place them in the composition.  If you look around I use the same people several times.  I figure that while I have them in the studio it's a good time to exploit them.  Anyway, this is where I work out a lot of the details and why I love photoshop so much- it probably saves me days of work.  
I then drew the piece on canvas from this finished composition and started painting.  In all I probably have a couple of months in this piece.

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